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Fantastic product!! Thank you for saving me from total insanity. I somehow got infected with that Fraud Antivirus Security Software. I was literally just about insane, because it locks up EVERYTHING! I couldn't even run in safe mode, the more things I tried, the worse it got. After 2 days, and downloads from Microsft that didn't work, first the virus came right back, then their malware removal tool said I had no malware, this while my PC was locked up with it!

Malware bytes took care of the problem, and it hasn't returned. You saved my PC and my sanity.

I plan on purchasing the full product. By the time I found your product, I would have paid ANYTHING! I had serious doubts by that time anything would work. I am extremely grateful that your free version cleaned up all 38 viruses in a jiff.

I am sending the link to your website to everyone I know and telling them to download the tool to their desktop. Invaluable.

Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!

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