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False Positive? s3.algovid.com and s8.alovid.com


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About an 4 hours ago I got another alert from the LA Times (s8.alovid.com IP, port 62582), about 1 hour ago a similar alert from CNN (s3.algovid.com IP, port 49200), (see attached images).

There is "timing" associated with my experiencing of malicious website alerts. The timing of the malware alerts making it seem that these events and targeted to a specific user and site activity, is absolutely associated with a sanctioned group or my own government, the odd website URL in the alert notice a front entity. When the bombing event happened in Boston, I suddenly received a rash of malware alerts on news sites such as Fox, CNN, LA Times. Yesterday, I having more examples, with the coup attempt in Turkey, got another rash of attacks. There being more than just a couple of occurrences and of a reoccurring nature that defines these events as being calculated affronts and invasive assault on my digital domain, all of a precise and calculated nature, intended for a specific group of individual(s) that are on a "watch list". The timed assaults upon my digital domain, being done with impunity, much like if not exactly a "zero-day vulnerability" attack, permitted for the sake of further criminal acts.

My web browser from the first day I reinstall Windows 7 Ult64 or from inside VMware, irrespective of the interface I use, Firefox or Internet Explorer, crashing or behaving peculiar on all the sites I frequent to include The Hill, Google and Amazon. All that is said to be respectable and encased with integrity in our nation to include the internet and digital protection being corrupted. Most of those seated in DC being enemies to all oath bound stakeholders of the United States of America.

Park McGraw
Candidate for President of the United States of America

Experimental Physicist, Former US Navy / NASA Fellow
Record Holder, Brightest Weapons Grade Solid State Laser
Former Security Alarm Tech, Records Dept. Kapi`Olani Hospital Honolulu Hawai`i



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