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Just a thought: Malwarebytes, and others, warn against clicking directly on URL links in emails. Why then do Malwarebytes and other reputable companies

include links in their own emails to customers (eg the regular Malwarebytes newsletter)?

Will this conditioning of customers to expect such links in emails not make them more susceptible to scammers?    

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Malwarebytes, and others, warn against clicking directly on URL links in emails

Actually, the real warning is to not click on links from emails from unknown senders, or sources you aren't sure you can trust. Also, it's always recommended to simply hover your mouse over a link and see if it'llreally bring you to the expected website. Let's say you receive an email from Paypal, and when you hover the link to reset the password, you get something like totallyrandomname.website.com, you can see that this email isn't from Paypal, and then you should delete it without clicking on any links.

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