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I currently own Malwarebytes Premium.


When I upgraded my pc to windows 10, I uninstalled Malwarebytes, and formatted the hdd.  After win 10 install, Defender shows up and has malware protection built in.  It seems to work well, but I have a feeling I am making a mistake by using Microsoft.  Nothing I can put my finger on, like I said it seems to work well.


I want advice about USING or NOT USING Microsoft Anti-virus AND Microsoft anti-Malware.

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14 minutes ago, ronster12345 said:

If I get infected will Microsoft help me free?  or at all?

As already mentioned by @pondus Malwarebytes is not an antivirus program.  You need both to have layered security.  Also MSE (Windows Defender)  is not that good.

As for Microsoft helping you for free if you get infected, the answer is NO!

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1 hour ago, ronster12345 said:

I currently own Malwarebytes Premium.


When I upgraded my pc to windows 10, I uninstalled Malwarebytes, and formatted the hdd.  After win 10 install, Defender shows up and has malware protection built in.  It seems to work well, but I have a feeling I am making a mistake by using Microsoft.  Nothing I can put my finger on, like I said it seems to work well.


I want advice about USING or NOT USING Microsoft Anti-virus AND Microsoft anti-Malware.

Malwarebytes and Windows Defender should provide you good protections + your common sense. As for Microsoft, the answer is no because they will charge you $110 for a year tech support which is ridiculous. If you think you're infected, post your problem along with the logs and someone from malware removal team member will assist you for FREE! 

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We as members are not supposed to reccomend any specific AV but I wanted this time to offer my .02 worth.


I personally and use with all my clients the combo of...

Windows Defender


MBAE free

No Issues or infected computers when they follow my safe surfing advice.

I also do not use IE or Edge. Firefox or Chrome with Ad Block Plus properly configured to block all of the AD's.

The BEST defense is a FULL IMAGE backup to an EXTERNAL hd. I recommend monthly.  I recommend the free Macrium for this.

Edited by Porthos
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I am sorry. Apparently I was not clear.  In Win 10 Defender is ant-virus and anti-Malware.  I know I need both types of protection. 


The overwhelming advice is to use a third party anti-Virus and Malwarebytes together (just as I suspected).  So the next logical question is:


How do I properly uninstall Defender so I can install my anti-Virus (ZoneAlarm), and install Malwarebytes?

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If I am not mistaken, You can't uninstall Defender in Windows 10, simply turn it off. When you install another AV, it usually will disable itself, however I have noticed sometimes the install fails cause it can't turn of Defender, so I usually manually disable it.

Go to Settings -> Updates & Security -> Windows Defender > and turn off Real-time Protection, Cloud-based Protection and Automatic sample submission.

then you can install your choice of Antivirus program

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  • Root Admin

Windows Defender on Windows 10 is not the same as it was on previous versions of Windows but I'd still recommend MBAM on top of it.




I'd also recommend reviewing MBAE

MBAE Exploits How they work

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit in action

Product information for Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit


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