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I just got my installation bits recently and tried installing the management console but am stuck with the SQL option for external database.

My current SQL setup is running SQL 2014 Enterprise in an AlwaysOn configuration and all my other solution deployments target the database using the Availability Group Listener using SQL alias.

When I tried to do the same with the installation of the management console (I have sysadmin rights), I'm prompted with the attached error.

I can't find documentation elsewhere with regards to database requirements, but I saw a post about having to turn on named pipes. That would be unacceptable as the fallacy of named pipes has been known to cause huge problems.

Anyone here has guidance which I may follow?



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Hi Mike, I intended to close this as I'm already settling it with your senior sales engineer, but for those who're looking for the same information which I spent a fair bit of effort to find, here's the info for MBMC 1.7.

  • SQL alias using TCP/IP is supported. Alias has to point to a SQL server.
  • Named pipes not needed.
  • SQL AlwaysOn is currently not supported, therefore pointing SQL alias to Availability Group Listener will not work.
  • Windows Authentication is currently not supported. SQL authentication has to be used.
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