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False Positive in UserData64.dat - Office Tabs Enterprise 11.00


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Since the latest detection update of Malwarebytes Anti Malware the UserData64.dat file is recognized as infected with the Malpack trojan.
Probably a false positive since that file is used to store preferences from the Office Tab Enterprise - a tabbed interface for MS Office -https://www.extendoffice.com

I can safely remove the file because it's for the 64-bit version and I use the 32-bit version of Office Tabs.

The file is attached in the zip file.



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You should install version 13.10 instead of 13 and get the file from official resources:


I have no problems with Office Tab in conjunction with Malwarebytes Premium (just did an extra scan).

Most people use the 32-bit version of MS Office (Office 365).
So it is safe to delete version UserData64.dat or Zip/Rar it and then delete it:
>> C:\Program Files\Office Tab\UserData64.zip <<

Edited by didero
not 32-bit mode but version 32-bit
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We would need more info, so can you zip and attach the MBAMService.LOG
You can find this log in the following folder: C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService\LOGS

In a meanwhile, it's always a good idea to exlude this one from the Anti-Exploit exclusions as well.

To do so,

Click on the Settings tab in the left pane.
Click on the Exclusions tab.
Click the Add Exclusion button.
Select: Exclude a Previously Detected Exploit from the Exclusion type window.
Click the Select button.
Choose the detected exploit from the Add Exclusion pop up. Click OK.
Enter the name of the associated application and click OK.



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