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So I recently found out that lyric sites are generally bad. :D Lovely. I used to use them a lot, mainly azlyrics.

I was wondering if anyone knew if quotes websites were the same? Such as brainyquote .com, and other quotes sites like that? I use them from time to time, but I wonder if they're safe or not?

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So I recently found out that lyric sites are generally bad. :D Lovely. I used to use them a lot, mainly azlyrics.

I was wondering if anyone knew if quotes websites were the same? Such as brainyquote .com, and other quotes sites like that? I use them from time to time, but I wonder if they're safe or not?

@ mountaintree16

I must have missed this post? or was it posted in another forum? yesterday, lyric sites? my equipement came at 8:30pm

and I wasn't finished until 6:30am ( a 20Hr + marathon) only way to fight with the phone comp. DSL & win...

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moutain tree i left a post about adblock (as you asked about it) should off posted it in here or in the chat form;opps

think i will copy and paste it as its not really in the right forum at all.( think will beg for mercy )

with addblock you simply hover whatever and right click and block the prefered item.

or right click on the adblock icon and open up blockable items.

makes pages load a lot faster as most adverts take longer to load than the page.

esp usefull if pps throw in some massive pic in a thread your reading,just block it and bingo.

it doesnt blocks pre emptivly unless you install pre set filter rules.even then it may not block all you want,untill you tell it to. (or have allready added that filter) you get the chance to choose your own filter rules or pick from pre set ones when you goto install it.(you can add the he pre set rules)

i opted to choose my own filters.

imo its not really a anti malware tool.

i noticed you said you where scared to browse the net becuse off the nasties.

malware can come from anywhere see the red cross at the top the allows you to close your browser,even that can be jacked to install malware.imo as long are your setting are ok you got good proctection i.e firwall av ect you would most lighly not get infected.

also about lyrics sites youve watched a few vids i take it,i immgine you will have a lot off (super cookies) flash cookies,a decent add on to delte them as you watch them or after is better privacy.


dont painc about the net thou as said if your settings are good and your useing decent proctection,then youve won half the battle allreadfy if you understand.

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