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All of our clients appear to be 2 hours behind in updates throughout the day on a consistent basis.  Of the 600 managed, the reporting interface shows <10 as on the most current release at any time.  When manual updates are triggered on clients (from client desktop), client shows that it is on an older than most currently available definition, but reports that it is up to date (and does not download the most current definition.

Are there any guides to troubleshooting Update Lag / Update Issues

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  • Root Admin

Hi @PhillyPhotog

Just want to verify which product you're using and if it's up to date with the latest versions.

Malwarebytes Management Console

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Business

Do you have the User Guides for the product?

I'm assuming if you're managing 600 clients then you're using the Management Console product and the link above should help to ensure you're using the latest product.

Now that said we can explore running some tests on the affected computers and see if there is something wrong with them or their network connections if you like but most business users don't seem to want to post such information in public. In which case it might be better to open a ticket with Support where they can help you in private if you like.

Business Support

Thank you



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