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My McAfee subscription ended, and I just downloaded Malwarbytes (kinda of spazzed when it said I have 33 infects!)

I'm not sure where I'm suppose to put this topic, or if there's anything on it about this.

I really need a firewall. I'm trying to download some things off limewire and I need that stuff soon xD

I don't need a virus, since we just got this computer, if anyone has any suggestions? It needs to be free though xD

and sorry if this is in the wrong thread, or if this issue has been dealt with.

I'm still a n00b

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Welcome to the forums.

Here are some free firewalls:





ZoneAlarm<<<--be sure not to be tricked into installing the extra toolbar which is default ticked


Online Armour Free


Fort Knox Personal Firewall:(30 day trial, then free but limited)


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you DO (man i never shout) need anti virus protection,now not later.

your leaving the keys in the door,shut them before you get more than 33 infections.

imo if your useing no anti v you may well have a lot more than you just found.

try zone alarm its easy to use esp when you have little comp knollage (not a dig at all)

avria avast < anti virus.

zone alarm;






(might have to reg but its still free)

if you think yoir infected post here;

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Do I have to uninstall McAfee?

Thanks! It's kinda hard to find good firewalls >>

Right now I'm suppose to be the techie of the family (since my brothers are gone)

and my parents are always getting mad at me since the computer runs slow at times.

So if the computer messes up I have to fix it or... Else lol

thanks! I'll probably be here begging for help! My brothers are the techies, while I just play around on photoshop or sony vegas xD

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  • Staff
Do I have to uninstall McAfee?

Thanks! It's kinda hard to find good firewalls >>

If you have a version which includes a firewall, then yes. There are many versions, suites which have everything some that don't.

As pointed out tho, you do need to have antivirus

And here are a couple more free av:







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Thank you!

I don't think i'm infected, but on my mom's account Fox Fire and IE have been acting loony.

I don't used IE though, since to me it runs slow.

I just hope I'm not infected, cuz I'm pretty much sol if my computer does get infected

I wish I knew about Malwarbytes when we had my mom's laptop

which was completely fried by some stupid virus >>

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to Azailia:

Looks like you got some great responses from people more knowledgeable about Firewalls than I :D

However!! I just wanted to tell you PLEASE don't use Limewire anymore. The program ITSELF is safe, but files downloaded with the program are more often than not infected, please uninstall Limewire, then restart your computer to finish the uninstallation process. P2P file sharing is a VERY common way that computer infections are spread...

Also, before you install the new Anti-Virus, make sure you fully uninstall McAfee!

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