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I just finished working with an administrator on the Hijack Log forum. We successfully removed an infection, and I think my computer is back to normal now! However, I do have a couple of questions regarding my computer.

1. I am using Trend-Micro as my Anti-Virus Program and as my Firewall. I also have MBAM installed for quick scans. Can I download & use Spyware Blaster in addition to these or would that be overkill?

2. While the administrator was helping to clean up my computer, I was instructed to delete Java because I had older versions. Now that they are deleted, do I need to install a new version of Java?

3. My teenage son loves to visit lyric sites. I was told by an administrator that lyric sites are very bad for malware, etc. Does anyone know of any legitimate lyric sites that is safe to visit?

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide!

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1.If you have the PRO version of MBAM installed, then no you will not need Spyware blaster. Otherwise, you can install it. But if your system slows down because then I would suggest to remove it, because then too much stress would be put on the machine. But, I think you will be good.

P.S. Another good Anti-Spyware program instead of Spyware Blaster is Super Anti-Spyware.

2. He might have instructed you to delete the old versions of Java. He might have left the most current. However, lets check anyway.

In Windows XP: Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs.

In Windows Vista: Go to Start Orb -> Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features.

Look for Java Version _ Update _. If there is a version of Java listed, then you have Java. If not reply back and I will give you the download site to download the most current version of Java.

3. Metrolyrics.com is a good lyrics site. I use it often and there is no malware that I have run across.

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  • Root Admin

Yes SpywareBlaster is a good thing to use.

If you want the latest Java you can get it here.

Download and Update Java Runtime

The most current version of Sun Java is: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 Update 14.

  • Go to http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp
  • Go to Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 Update 14 about half way down the page and click on the Download button.
  • In Platform box choose Windows.
  • Check the box to Accept License Agreement and click Continue.
  • Click on Windows Offline Installation, click on the link under it which says jre-6u14-windows-i586.exe and save the downloaded file to your desktop.
  • Install the new version by running the newly-downloaded file with the java icon which will be on your desktop, and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Uncheck the Toolbar button (unless you want the toolbar)
  • Reboot your computer
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Just to add a bit here, SpywareBlaster is a passive form of protection and doesn't run in realtime and therefore shouldn't add any additional stress to your CPU. Also, if you need Java for a web site that you regularly use, then install it as instructed by AdvancedSetup above. If you don't, then there's no need to do so.

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