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Hi.  I am having the Java popup along with the annoying sound way too much.  I don't understand how this could of happened.   I ran the Malwarebytes twice and it didn't see anything.  If anyone is able to help I would surely be thankful.  I am posting as the directions ask.

FRST.txt & Addition.txt are attached.  It would not let me paste for some reason.




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Oracle Java is at v8 update 92.  So what we'll do is dump the Java Cache, remove any/all present Java installations and install v8 update 92

Go to...

Control Panel --> Java --> General --> settings

Choose "Settings" then "Delete Files", check all boxes and hit "Ok"
{ I suggest changing the size of the cache to a manageable size like 50MB, but it is only a suggestion }

Under Control Panel choose "Program and Features" and then remove all copies of Java that may be present.

If you need Java or you want to have it re-installed, go to...


Download Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment 8u91 or 8u92 (aka; JRE )


Edited by David H. Lipman
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