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my settings have changed n stop me from updating to do scan ...ive done the anti rootkit scan  which picked up 6 problems 2 trojans n 4 secruity viruses n also chamoleon scan this failed i tried  few time. ive done everythgin except the file assain n the the other assain.ive restarted computer after each time.still showing unprotected n needs update setting inside malware premium changes to disabled attached pics to show.plz help ive been waiting over 24hrs for customer help even lodge a case file still waiting.





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Hello and :welcome::

43 minutes ago, berrycherry said:

my settings have changed n stop me from updating to do scan ...ive done the anti rootkit scan  which picked up 6 problems 2 trojans n 4 secruity viruses n also chamoleon scan this failed i tried  few time.

It sounds as if you are badly infected. The malware may be preventing MBAM from working correctly.


44 minutes ago, berrycherry said:

plz help ive been waiting over 24hrs for customer help even lodge a case file still waiting.

There ought to have been at least 1, automated reply to your help desk ticket submission.  If you did not receive it, then it may have inadvertently landed in your email junk or spam folder. I would check there to be sure.

Having said that, the help desk can be quite busy.  If you prefer help here in the forum, INSTEAD, I suggest that you please start by following the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.
The next step is to create a new, separate post in the malware removal area of the forum - it's a special forum area reserved for work cleaning infected computers.
A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue - the helper will guide you through scanning, cleanup and repair.
The helper will also assist you with getting MBAM up and running.

Thank you,

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