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Hello and :welcome::

It's been a while since anyone asked about that.

Staff members will correct me if I am wrong, but I am 99% certain that MS Bitlocker is compatible.

I am not sure about 3rd-party encryption programs -- we'll need to wait for more expert input on that.
Do you have a particular encryption program in mind?


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Thank you daledoc. I was looking at Veracrypt as I used Truecrypt before. Years ago, before I first encrypted with Truecrypt, I read that Truecrypt was compatible with Malwarebytes, but I routinely got the error message that rootkits could not be scanned. I'd like to avoid that this time. Thanks again for your help and time.

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  • Root Admin

Unfortunately I don't have an accurate answer for you. That software appears to also be proprietary and on the surface I would not expect it to work.

I've posted to our internal QA Team to see if this has been tested or not. Once I hear back I'll post a follow-up reply.

Thank you


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  • Root Admin

QA replied that we've not specifically tested this one but that many of them now work. 

We've tested specifically BitLocker, TrueCrypt, Symantec PGP, and Winmagic SecureDoc

VeraCrypt is a fork of TrueCrypt so it's very likely that it will work.

If you find otherwise please let us know.

Thank you again



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