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Welcome back.
Sorry you are still having issues.

Reference also: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/topic/181572-will-not-update/?do=findComment&comment=1032995

55 minutes ago, govermentcheese said:

I have an issue with my malware program. I contacted support they gave me 4 suggestions none of them helped then they just kept saying to do the 4 things over and over . I still can not update malaware program. When I push the update button it states unable to connect to server.

Normally, it's best to work in only one venue at a time.  It can be confusing and counter-productive to work simultaneously in two places.

But, let's see if we can try to help.

First, can you please provide the support ticket number?  I am just a home user and forum volunteer, but a Malwarebytes staff member may be able to access the info from that case.

Next, in order to pick up with current information, it would greatly assist us to know the following:

  1. What is the exact wording of the error message you see when you try to update? (A screen shot would be great.)
  2. Please follow the steps in this pinned topic to generate a fresh set of 3 logs, and then please ATTACH them to your next reply: Diagnostic Logs
    1. I understand that you have already done this before, but we need current data to get a fresh start on the problem.

Thank you,

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