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while I am on my topic I noticed something strange while I edit my post! (Pop-up message showing :() I thought that one of "moderator" or "administrator", tries to modify or delete the post or the whole topic! :D

p.s I never seen a Pop-up message like that ! :D



Edited by mrdodrop
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There is a restriction on how long you are allowed to edit your posts as an Honorary Member, and that's 20160 minutes or 336 hours or 14 days. According to the post you said this happened on, you did not exceed that time frame.

I will have to look in to this further. Thanks for posting this.

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48 minutes ago, Firefox said:

Is there a setting where one has to wait to edit the post a second time?

The screen shot shows that the post was edited just now.... if you try to edit it again right away, is that when you got the error code?

Nice catch. @mrdodrop can you clarify exactly what you have to do to recreate the issue?

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  1. Make a post.
  2. Edit post and submit
  3. Try to edit again.

Example.  Up til now is the original post.

EDIT1:  The first edit.

EDIT2:  The second edit

EDIT3: I am able to edit my posts immediately after submitting them repeatedly.  I've tried 3 so far.

EDIT4: OK, now I am adding a reason to the edit line.

EDIT5: OK, still no pop up.

Edited by John L. Galt
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13 minutes ago, John L. Galt said:

I suspect Mrdodrop will have to try something similar - it may be because I have such a high post count, or it may have to do with group membership, or a combination thereof....

I was fixing to say that, you both are in different groups per say....

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59 minutes ago, mrdodrop said:

I think all you need is to just keep editing the post over and over again non-stop :P :D (I had to keep editing my post because I have a lot of wrong typo :D )

I don't think it's a good idea because this can be very easily abused.

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