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i got a anti exploit warning with cyberlink powerdvd15 and do not understand why when computer is clean of all malware and all viruses. checked every hour.

it was ROP gadget attack.

anyone else had this issue and is it a false positive as no other malware or virus warnings at all

screen shot below.


two files that cyberlink use both showing as anti exploit caught.


anti exploit capture.png

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It is not hatred, per se, because it is just a very bloated software, and they change versions every year, oftentimes asking the user to pay anywhere from $40 USD to over $120 USD (depending upon how good of a shopper you are) to upgrade.  I've upgraded more than once because of the ability to play Blu-Ray discs on my machine as well, because the original version that came with my Blu-Ray burner 'doesn't work' in Windows 10 (surprise, surprise).  But a lot of what it does behind the scenes is almost useless, but it is still there.  My system has never had the capability for 3D use at all, and I don't allow the nVidia GA software to install those particular drivers, but CyperLink thinks it can still wow me with a (very) poor man's version of a simulated (and badly at that) 3D mode.  Just one of the things that it pure bloat.

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  • 3 years later...

I just want to convince the community that in 2019, Power DVD from Cyberlink is very likely a true-positive malware. I spent most of today trying to de-install it from my family's desktops and laptops and went down a terrible hellhole I wish upon no one. Please don't install anything from Cyberlink. Nearly impossible to de-install and possibly slowing down your computer's performance. :/

Here's just some of the things I had to do today to de-install PowerDVD from our PCs:


1. Run Malwarebytes AdwCleaner

2. Run Malwarebytes

3. Run Clean My PC from MacPaw (paid version)

4. Go into Control Panel to try to manually deinstall from Program menu (does not work, btw, which should be a huge flag to anyone)

5. Run scripts that lead me to uninstall directories, where I tried to manually remove file components

6. Run Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall (https://support.microsoft.com/ko-kr/help/17588/windows-fix-problems-that-block-programs-being-installed-or-removed)

7. Run Microsoft Malicious Software Removal (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/malicious-software-removal-tool-details.aspx)

8. Repeat and re-run all steps above incessantly until last trace of program stopped appearing in Application menus.


I will never get the (entire) day back that I lost to this sh**ty ordeal. I hope none of you install this mess. A non-Malware program wouldn't require this level of troubleshooting and rigor to de-install. 

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