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I bought Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium and it worked for only two months. After that all I get is an Internet connection error whenever I go to reactivate it. My Internet is working fine and I made sure my antivirus wasn't blocking it. Help? 

P.S. I don't know if this will help but here is a list of what my PC has on it:

Kaspersky Total Security

8gb of RAM

AMD A6-5400k

Rosewell 450w PSU (I know that type isn't trusted, but it was in my budget)

WD Blue 1tb HDD


Bridged connection between my Ethernet and Wi-Fi so that my network was a lot less weird.

Steps I have taken so far: 

Turning off Kaspersky, no luck

Reinstalling Malwarebytes, no luck

Running netsh winsock reset, no luck

Restarting PC, no luck. 


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Hello and Welcome!

Make sure your date and time are correct...

In order to help you better it may help if we can see what may be happening with your system.... We would need more info on the system....

Please read the following and in your next reply ATTACH the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs
(the three files should be CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt)

Thank You,


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this is showing in your log file:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\
 PendingFileRenameOperations REG_MULTI_SZ \??\C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamext.dll.old

You need to reboot the computer for that change to take place after you have done that you can try and activate again. Let us know how that goes.

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I found some pretty disturbing things in the addition file. Some of them said porn and stuff, which I never have ever looked up on the machine. I have a feeling that there could be a rootkit on my machine that is using those IP's and addresses for download parts of malware to my computer. I don't know how those got on there in the first place, however I have had thousand (no joke) of pieces of malware on this machine before, and it could have come from one of those. I am really getting scared as to what is going on to my PC.

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  • Root Admin

You  have some services that are not running and some general PUP (possibly unwanted programs) I'm not seeing anything specific to prevent access unless possibly your Kaspersky antivirus is locking it down.

I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.

The items about the porn are actually settings in your HOSTS file to prevent access to those sites on purpose.


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Please follow @AdvancedSetup's advice.

However, your logs show that you are running KTS 2016 MR0 under Win10.
The current build is 2016 MR1,, which includes better/full support for Win10, as explained here:

At some point, you might wish to cleanly upgrade from MR0 to MR1, by downloading the new build > uninstalling MR0 > rebooting > installing MR1 > activate/update/reboot.
Doing so may or may not directly impact the issue you reported here.  But it may be a good idea for all the usual stability and performance reasons.

Again, I suggest that you please follow @AdvancedSetup's expert advice.  My suggestion is an "aside".



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That depends upon what you mean by losing everything.

The Windows 10 Upgrade keeps your files in place, but may break the ability to use certain programs (particularly programs you use as default handlers for particular file types - like an image viewing program, for instance) because Windows 10 has its own, built in programs that it sets as default upon installing.  The fix is to then reinstall that same program and it should give you the option to become the default program again.  The good news of doing it this way is that your system is not down for days, and you'll be able to get back up and running relatively quickly.

However, there is no guarantee that it will work 100%.  And to make things even more difficult, any issues that you have in your system now may carry over using an upgrade path.  This sounds like where you are at now.  However, without further analysis we really don't know what did not work when you upgraded.  In addition, it may very well be that issues you have in your current system, as AdvancedSetup mentioned, like services turned off, etc, may be causing your issues in Windows 10, whatever those issues were.

Your system sounds as if it is in need of a thorough spring cleaning.  If I were you, I'd back up my files, software keys, and browser profiles (and other settings you might need) and then wipe your system clean and reinstall your current OS - then try to upgrade to Windows 10 directly with the clean system.

Or, another option is to clean install Windows 10 directly, which would be a lot faster than installing the previous OS, then upgrading to Windows 10.

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  • Root Admin

What is the MFG, Make, Model of your computer ? Did you add in any specific special cards or other accessories to the system ?

If you download and run Speccy and then save the report you can post here that could help you and us to better help you with drivers or issues.





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Sorry for the late reply. I completely reinstalled Windows because it was doing a hard freeze with zero event viewer log. After this, Malwarebytes worked properly. To answer the model of my computer, I built this PC myself. Therefore there is no model. Feel free to close this thread.

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