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Hello All,

I currently have a pc that was infected with some form of ransomware, so it has been pulled off our network and we have been using it as a test dummy for various products. I came across your product and wanted to try it, but I can only guess that it cannot activate since it is offline. Is this product to be installed on workstations before infection. The reason I ask is that as I mentioned above if a pc gets infected we pull it mainly to try to minimize any contamination of the rest of the network, and also to work on it. The only time that it goes back into production and gets connected back to any network is after it has been completely cleaned. and there lies my problem. I could not tell from the information in the announcement about the anti-ransomware if it had to be done prior or could be used post infection.


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Hello Andre11428 and :welcome:

The Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware (MBARW) Beta testing program is the method being used to test/develope the core technology that, upon successful completion, will be rolled into existing Malwarebytes products.  MBARW Beta will not be offered as a standalone product.  MBARW Beta is meant to be field tested by home consumers and use in any enterprise setting is strongly discouraged.

The MBARW Beta core technology is based on prevention as opposed to system infection clean-up/resolution.  MBARW Beta's successful post installation activation and ongoing use are based on continual access to the Internet.  Furthermore, installation of MBARW Beta on a currently infected system could prove to be problematic.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Thank you for your interest in the Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware Beta testing program.

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