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I had a suspicion that I had malware on my system and asked this forum for help.

At the time I had Malwarebytes pro and after following the recommended procedures I was eventually advised to uninstall the current version download a newer version and install that.  I followed the removal procedure given on this forum and then installed the newly downloaded version. My computer became unbearably slow.  I had noticed that the .exe file was running twice both at 49% cpu hogging 98% in total my cpu was now running at 100% capacity all the time.

Despite following the advice given here, I had no other option than to uninstall Malwarebytes and yes I used the removal tool, This sorted out the resource hog.  

I reinstalled and again I got mbam.exe running twice again.  So again I used the removal tool and mbam.exe was no longer showing in task manager.


Secunia PSI was is still insisting that Malwarebytes needed updating despite running a new Secunia scan?

When I did a search for program & files I discovered the following hiding on my system!

Here are just three of approximately 12 folders I found using the search program and files box in windows 7

C:\VTRoot\HarddiskVolume2\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
C:\VTRoot\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Chameleon

Whats going on?

Please advise.

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