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Lol, my friend has had pirate XP running for a good while and he put m-bam on it, quick scanned, saw a file called, I.Stole.Windows. - Deleted it. It was obviously some kind of registry patch to get around activating XP, now he couldn't boot up, I lol'd. I guess he fixed it though.

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This does not actually break anything , the system is still fully functional from safemode (without networking) .

Was not bootable atall, he got to login screen and it said, Activate Windows now or Shutdown. No matter what mode, I tried safe mode on it for him.

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Was not bootable atall, he got to login screen and it said, Activate Windows now or Shutdown. No matter what mode, I tried safe mode on it for him.

This is simply not true .

The crack works making windows think it is in safemode without networking , this exploits the non activation boot ability of safemode .

This boot function is a fail safe that allows you to boot into safemode and run system restore if system corruption disables activation .

The fact that the crack worked to begin with verifies that safemode boot already worked because if it did not , neither would the crack :P

He was receiving the error when trying to log into regular mode or safemode WITH networking .

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