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Right now my company is using the corporate edition of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware version I have been wanting to write a script to process the log files, right now the log files are in a text file format. I see in the consumer version 2.0 they changed the log file format from text file to an XML file format. I would like to pursue making a script to process text files on the corporate edition, but need to know if Malwarebytes plans on sticking to the text file format, or is there a planned change in a near future version to switch to the XML format?


Any input would be much appreciated, thanks.

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Hello zer0day. Version saves its scan results in "mbam-log" using XML and its update status / real time hits show in the "protection" logs in txt.

That doesn't seem accurate compared to what I see....



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zer0day, I apologize, I mistook your build for a managed version which does this automatically. For a standalone build, you can do this in two ways through MbamAPI, mbam's cli interface.


Set/Change log file name/location/file type:

mbamapi /logtofile "C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\Logs\mbam-log.xml"

Scan Schedule creation:

mbamapi /schedule /scan -quick -log /xml

See this PDF for all supported CLI: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Business 1.80 Administrators Guide.pdf



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