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Very happy user of Malwarebytes Software and luckily not directly involved, but my wives firm got attacked by Locky. They are pretty desperate and I wanted to ask where the research about this is at the moment. Any possibility to remove this thing from their computers in a safe way?


(I asked them to install the anti ransome bytes, but I understand it does not remove Locky, but blocks it).


Would love to learn more about it to be maybe able to help them.





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Hello and :welcome: :


This sub-forum is reserved for malware removal guidance for home users with infected personal computers.

And most of the expert helpers are volunteers.


As your post suggests that you are working with a business with multiple infected systems, then I suggest opening a ticket with Business Support HERE.

They will be able to better assist you.

Alternatively, the firm's IT department should be contacted directly to assist with the cleanup, repair and counter-measures. (That's what they're paid to do.)


Thank you,


P.S. The new Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware (MBARW) BETA should not be used in any production environment, especially for a business. It is a BETA product.

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