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Help! It seems like I have been infected with the Polizia Penitenziaria virus!


My computer got locked out, I am in Italy, seems bored so decided to browse the you know what sites. Suddenly I got this virus even with my Malware Bytes and Norton on. I ran a few scans and it seems like the virus cannot be detected. It is supposedly a blackmailing virus wanting me to pay 100 Euros and no matter what I do, my Internet explorer is locked with the pop up showing as if this is a genuine Italian Police website but it is not. I am now in Safemode it seems to disable the virus temporarily. I ran a few scans and again cannot be detected. Please help!

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Hello MDE,

If you have a URL   ( link address) please provide that.  Or if your web browser runs into that page now, can you take a image-picture and then attach a copy.

IF both of our program plus also the antivirus report no malware, then this may be just a fake scam page.

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