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Our file and disk space manager TreeSize Professional was falsely declared as ransomware.


After a user selected and deleted multiple files using TreeSize, the Malwarebytes tool reported an infection and moved the .exe to the quarantine.


OS: Windows 10, TreeSize Professional 64 bit version (TreeSize Personal should trigger the same behavior).


You should be able to reproduce it with the free demo version: http://www.jam-software.com/treesize/download.shtml


Our software is absolutely malware free – it would be great if you could find a way to fix this problem.


If there's anything we can do to help, please contact us.


Thanks in advance!



And Thanks to daledoc1 Has made me aware that I had posted the post in the wrong thread.


@administration, could you please delete my first post: entry1022352

Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware.zip


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Hello jamsoftware and :welcome:
Although I quite agree that TreeSize.exe should have not been flagged as ransomware, and because we are unaware of what techniques will be used to pursue this issue, please generate a zip archive from the executable below:

C:\Program Files\JAM Software\TreeSize Professional\TreeSize.exe

using only that computer's exact executable and attach to your next reply.


Thank you for participating in the MBARW Beta program and your great feedback.

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