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Hello ARCA2016:


If a simple system restart does not resolve the disabled protection issue, a clean re-install may be helpful.
Firstly, please do capture the same two directories that are always requested for False Positive reports, and attach those zipped files in a reply to your topic for team analysis.
Then do a conventional Windows uninstall of MBARW where a careful check reveals that the following directories in a 64-bit system are deleted:

C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\

C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware\



Please follow with a system restart and a system Administrator/Windows based install of MBARW Beta5.

Thank you for your continuing beta tests of MBARW.

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Hi. Attached you find the two requested zip files for the previous problem.


I've disinstalled and reinstalled the MBARW software and now it runs OK (so it seems!).

You have to note I've deleted manually the directory C:\ProgramData\Mlwarebytes Anti-Ransomware. The other two were deleted by the disinstallation.


I hope this is useful




Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware_20160224.zip


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