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For some time now I have been using CryptoPrevent Premium Edition from FoolishIT.com (yes, that's really their name). I haven't had a problem with it, have now installed MBARW beta 09.14.361, and they are peacefully co-existing so far. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I'm curious if anybody else is using both of these at the same time, and what their experiences have been.

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Hello MitchHellman:


Non-authoritatively I have seen CryptoPrevent v7.4.21 and MBARW Beta5 used together on the same system. However, the Malwarebytes Quality Assurance (QA) staff (nor the developer team) have not announced if this pair is approved for simultaneous Beta use. Since you are strongly advised to use MBARW Beta only on non-production systems and only in test environments, you may consider reporting your testing results at a later date.


Thank you for Beta testing MBARW.

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Again this is without any position of authority, however I have been testing MBARW  on two OS's that currently have CryptoPrevent running for a few weeks

No apparent issues as yet...for me. :)

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For some time now I have been using CryptoPrevent Premium Edition from FoolishIT.com (yes, that's really their name). I haven't had a problem with it, have now installed MBARW beta 09.14.361, and they are peacefully co-existing so far. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I'm curious if anybody else is using both of these at the same time, and what their experiences have been.


You beat me to it Mitch!

I asked that very same question but posted in the wrong part of this forum. My apologies to LDTate.


The general consensus appears to indicate no conflicts between these two programs, but as MBARW is still in Beta,

prudence dictates that I follow the tip provided by 1PW.


Thanks to the other guys contributions so far, in this thread.

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  • 1 year later...

I have Cryptoprevent 8.034 Free. I wanted to complement it with a behavior-based Anti-Ransomware so I tried to install Ransomfree...they seem more current and focused on the WannaCrypt. Unfortunately, their installer is .msi and I got,  "system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation"  Tried removeing the cryptoprevent protections restarting with protections disabled and stopping MB anti-exploit. RansomFree .msi stiill kicked up the "..prevent this installation"  message. So I installed the MalwareBytes anti-ransomeware. No problems installing...no error messages. Then I reapplied the default Cryptoprevent 8.034 protections and restarted.

No problems seen. CryptoPrevent test shows protections applied and MB AR shows an icon in the system tray...uses 53k memory and no cpu cycles...just quietly monitors it's honeypots. Note that the Cryptoprevent 8.034 premium versions DO include honepot protections so it may not be all that necessary to combine the two.

As I see it, the free versions of Cryptoprevent and MB Anti-Ransomeware are complementary and play well together on my Windows 7 pro 64-bit system.

As an aside, anyone who has applied the March 2017 Patch is protected, but being and belt and suspenders type, I take extra steps.

Edited by MrToad2
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