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I am not aware of any update servers being down... not sure where your located...


I just checked mine and forced an update and it did download update v2016.02.22.06 as I type this post...

We would need more info on the system....

Please read the following and in your next reply ATTACH the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs

(the three files should be CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt)

Thank You,


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I am unable to get through to the MBAM server to download mbam-check.exe.  I also attempted to download a new version of MBAM from the MBAM site and couldn't connect there either.  I was able to download MBAM from FileHippo but its database version is 21015.09.22.05.  I have attached the FRST.txt and Addition.txt files as requested.




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Thanks for the help but the problem resolved itself this morning.  Soon as I booted up this morning MBAM got the new database update 2016.02.23.04.  However, something was definitely wrong with the Malwarebytes servers last night.  My MBAM would not update, I could not download a new copy of MBAM from the MBAM site nor could I download mbam-check.exe.  I contacted several friends who also use MBAM (two in Tennessee, one in Wyoming and one in Louisiana) and they all reported the same problem I was having.


I have no idea what caused the problem.  I only know that it was not isolated to my computer or my local area or Internet address.  Perhaps MBAM servers were undergoing maintenance?


Thank you for the Google Public DNS server information.  I'll keep that at hand if I encounter a similar situation in the future.

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  • Root Admin

No problem. Glad you got it working. In most cases Google Public DNS is going to be faster and more reliable than many ISP DNS providers.


We use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) to help prevent downtime as there are hundreds of servers around the world that help to support the infrastructure but always possible they were doing some type of update themselves that I'm not aware of.


Thank you again



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