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I've re-posted thread from last night due to originally being posted in wrong sub forum...


Hello all,


I've got a variant of cryptolocker on my computer but it's not acting like the ones I've researched. System Alienware17 i7-4800mq. This version has logged it's ransom note in every folder but doesn't seem to do what it says on the tin. All docs seem fine apart from xls files. Names correct, open with relevant program. However, when I open xls docs then 3 files open prior to the actual viewable and editable correct document. The first one being an encrypted xls spread sheet, second a ransom note in xls and the 3rd the same ransom note with a blue background and no borders. If I open another xls doc whilst any other xls doc open then no ransom and the file opens correctly. The fault seems to be on initial xls start up when selecting an xls doc.

After running MWB the Malware 'Ransom.Filelocker' was detected and removed. However, the 3 '_H_e_l_p_RECOVER_INSTRUCTIONS+lvm' files placed in every folder are still there. I have tried manually removing and they stay removed on the next boot.

I visited the Tor unique browser id given and there's a count down, 116hours left. The site states it is the CryptoWall decrypter, although my files are currently not encrypted to a point I can't view them.


Is it possible to determine if I actually have cryptowall and will loose my files should ransom not be paid in 116hours.


Many thanks in advance, given the deadline a prompt response from anyone who can help would be greatly appreciated.




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  • Root Admin

We're sorry. It looks like your topic was somehow overlooked. Due to the length of time we'll go ahead and close this topic now but if you still actually need help please send a private message to one of the Moderators and we'll assist you.Thank you and sorry we missed your topic.

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