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If you cannot help me, at least point me in the direction to learn about this.


There are a few things I cannot explain and a few things I can. I have a private home computer, running Win 7.


1) I have to keep the computer as is, because this involves litigation with some very powerful entities. This is an ongoing issue for over 3 years and is about to end.  I have another computer (win7) that has never been connected to the internet, never used a usb/cd, my only safe way to ensure my documents are protected (at least so I think)


2) I've known this computer has been hacked, I just didn't know how.  I ran every scan and used every tool to find maleware, farber, malewarebytes, norton, combofix, removing group policy, changing security from the advanced menu, all sorts of crap believe me I tried everything, including making my Win 7 being "non-authentic".  I had this forum help me before and hope you all can at least point me in the right direction.


3) I've used Wireshark and have traced and logged network connections from and to this computer.


4) I am not a computer novice, but I certainly am not an expert by any means.


5) I have now realized, after 3 years of racking my brain (yes 3 years) my computer is hacked via, Virtual Machine, VMware and I guess, VM isn't malicious otherwise, the scans would of picked it up.


Ok, so:  


What can I do to take total control of my computer?  I cannot even get into Event Viewer, because of IE lesser than 5.5 error message I get.


What can I do to see this "Vm network my computer is connected to"?  Where can I find logs of access?


How can I find the Domain my computer is connected to.  How can I learn about this AD? Active Directory? What programs/services can I use to analyze and report events of my hard drive?


As of right now, I'm sure this computer is considered a "workstation" belonging to my hacker.  I would be appreciative of any guidance to learn everything that is on my computer.  


If I am not clear in explaining, please ask me questions and I will answer what I can.  Thank you for your time and hopefully help :)









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