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Our domain got blocked by Malwarebytes, and some of our partners alerted us to it.


We've checked it for Malware and there's none, but if there's anything you have found that we can do something about, please let us know and we will work with you to get it unblocked.


We're one of the top products in a leading digital products marketplace clickbank.com that has high standards.


Could be a mistake here, but let me know.

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Hey Dashke!

I appreciate the feedback.


May we know who the emails came from?


It's possible that it was sent by someone else who promoted the product and not us. Clickbank is an open marketplace and anyone can promote it.


However, we actively block anyone we find who is sending spam by forwarding their traffic to a blank page.


We have already blocked a couple of people who sent spam traffic to us.


Hope you're having a great day too! It was good to hear from you.

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