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Congratulations  AdvancedSetup (Ron) 


We just wait for that  1 post to come that makes the 69K complete


It's a lot of contribution you brought here to the forum


a lot of "footprints" you have left in those 8 years 


you've been around here




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 AdvancedSetup (Ron) 


We just wait for that  1 post to come that makes the 60K complete


It's a lot of contribution you brought here to the forum


a lot of "footprints" you have left in those 8 years 


you've been around here.



( hope they put the crown on you and remove the christmashat  :P  :lol:





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I have no Idea why it post me twice, first it wont post for me, with the attachment so I cancelled it 

insert it with a photobucket link the image, and when I post it came out like this,  is there 

a goast on the forum ??  :blink:

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  • Root Admin

Thank you everyone. Guess it adds up over time. Started out just lurking and reading posts for months back in about 2007 - then finally created an account and starting posting.


Certainly some trying times but overall I've greatly enjoyed working with MBAM both as a volunteer and now as an employee. Hopefully will have many more years and posts to come.


I noticed it and had planned to make a special post, then got caught up in different things and forgot about it. This is now post 60,007



Thank you again everyone

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Since Ocobre I joined here I think this is the third avatar I see from you @AdvancedSetup.


Before the christmas tigers you had another one, but I can't remember but I'm sur it 

was something else than the the one with christmas


so now you change for this one makes 3  in  5 moths  ^_^

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I joined about 1 year later, 2007 (after MBAM saved my old system), but I am still one " 0 " short in my posts ..

  • ( Active Posts 6x,250 )  I don't think that I will fill in the " x " for a long time now ...


Who else would one come to for help ....


Thank You for putting up with me .. All the best to one of the hardest workers on the forum


It seems like only last year we posted AdvancedSetup reaches 50,000 posts.



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