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Just curious.


Overnight I was greeted by a "new version available" dialog window for MBAE Premium, even though I have auto-updates disabled on a fresh install of MBAE done yesterday afternoon (not for problems, but rather in the setting of a KIS upgrade).


I see no mention here at the forum of a new build release and the product download page still offers

And I thought that new versions usually ship as a standalone first, before being pushed out via auto-updates?


Alas, I closed out of the dialog without taking a screen cap or noting the version that was being offered. Sorry.


Was this a hiccup or did I just dream this? :)




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Thanks, but that's not really my question. :(


I don't why it would be available at Wilders first (especially since it was essentially an "experimental" build)??


My question really has to do with the MBAE auto-updater dialog I received and the process itself (new release builds are usually posted somewhere here at the forum or at the product page FIRST, before being shipped to 3rd-party sites or shipped via the MBAE auto-updater.) ;)


Just curious, but we may need to wait for @pbust or another staff member to weigh in.


Never mind: the MBAE product page now offers

Problem solved.

Must have been an overnight hiccup at the back end.


Mods: please feel free to mark this as "solved". :)



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