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This morning Windows Defender started to scan, then 8 minutes into the scan I got a User account control pop up saying it wanted my permission to run which has never happened before :) , well as it was already running I cancelled it and let it scan which took the normal 2+ hours and as normal it found nothing.

Then I thought to myself I should try to run it as admin as I never do and that scan took 55 seconds! I did it again to check it had not stalled or something and that time it took 52 seconds! I know its quick scan but not that quick!

Does anyone know why that is?

I never use my admin account apart from FF, MBAM ect updates and installing a few things here and there so it does has alot of stuff in it, enough that it should take more than 55 seconds!



I also scanned it in my normal account and on quick scan it took 46 seconds, is this normal and is there a away to lanch a full system scan in admin with out changing the time it is due to run everyday? Or does it not matter if WD scans in admin or other account? If not why did I get that pop up?

Sorry about so many questions! :P

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Another question as well so I might as well use this thread :P I use Ad aware but have never upgraded to the free anniversary edition, if its running all time in the back ground does anyone know if it conflicts with AVG 8.5? the version I have has not but if its constantly running might it conflict?


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