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Here is a nice little script I wrote a few years ago. Remember when Microsoft said they don't track where you go and what you run.... think again.

As long as you're not using an advanced tracking remover this should pull back some interesting stuff for you.

Not sure it will work for you Exile since you're running 64 Bit but it only queries so no harm in running it, just might not work.

Just download it and run it. Then let me know how many entries it listed: mstracks.exe

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well I think it might still work? A dos box opened, and scrolled by so fast I could not read it! did all that go to MS? or just scanned my pc....? it left some mstracks.KX icons behind & a dos .exe (KIX.exe32) I give up?

wish it had a help file? :)

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It should not have died on you Yardbird. It should have halted and asked you to press a key. If you did not press a key it should have stayed on the screen.

that came at the end, after it scrolled bye so fast. with a sound bite too some beeps. at the end press any key to continue closed the box? any ideas?

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I looked at the number of the last entry, each "easter egg" was numbered :) .

edit: Ran CCleaner, then mstracks again and got 0 entries :) .

@YB: Yeah, when you press a key it closes the window, don't press one and read the number of the last entry on the list to know how many were found for the second group, then scroll all the way to the top and check the number of the last entry in the first section to see how many it found.

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I looked at the number of the last entry, each "easter egg" was numbered :) .

edit: Ran CCleaner, then mstracks again and got 0 entries :) .

@YB: Yeah, when you press a key it closes the window, don't press one and read the number of the last entry on the list to know how many were found for the second group, then scroll all the way to the top and check the number of the last entry in the first section to see how many it found.

will try again...and post back shortly

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Correct me if I'm in error, but it shows all the places I've been, all the programs I have and removed. Files & folders with some programs that were removed a appx: a year ago? Anyway to save it as a log file? or only a screenshot?

EDIT: looks like most of it is my reg.... so that was what MS saw?

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@ Advanced Setup

WOW !!! what a tool, and some good reading! I bookmarked that page. I confess I took the lazy way out and used, UserAssist entries, in CCleaner has a little check box to remove em' (it also wiped out my 10 entries in my start menu :) )

I did not want to work with the reg. now. unless I was fully awake. So now what was a long DOS box with about a 12" long list of reg files, that are in and were in, are now gone? am correct? Because when I ran the tool again. this was all I have. But reading that link says it will grow again? Here's a screenshot after removal of all the items...

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It sure does:

Disabling Logging

You can also disable the logging by creating a new registry key and value. No special program is needed to stop this logging.

Here's how:

Right click the UserAssist key and choose New>Key

Name the new key Settings.

Highlight the Settings key and in the right hand pane, right click a blank area and choose New>Dword value.

Name it NoLog Then double click it and enter a value of 1. Done. The effect will take place after you reboot your computer.

From then on, no new entries should be added to your Count keys but some have reported that even after doing this, some entries slip through. In that case, you can use the next tip to delete them with a reg file.

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Yes the link does talk about disabling it. I'm going back to look over that part... So Bottom Line as Advanced Setup said: quote: Remember when Microsoft said they don't track where you go and what you run.... think again. thats how they got it? a program/copy of the reg. sent it to them? TIA

EDIT: I followed the instructions to the letter for Disabling Logging, my question is what are the three items above the New Key#1? Or to get down to it do I leav them alone? another screenshot of my reg... TIA

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You need to name the new key "Settings", but yes, it looks right. Then click on it and right click in the blank space to the right and select "New DWORD Value" and then name it "NoLog" and then double click the NoLog DWORD entry and change the binary data to "1". If you want I can just write you a .reg file to enter it for you :) .


Here's the reg file, just copy and paste it into notepad and when you go to save it click on the drop down menu next to Save as type and select All Files and for the file name you can call it whatever you like as long as the name ends in .reg for example: NoLog.reg :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

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I didn't want to put the screenshot of the whole reg on here. but this is the right side... from this persons instructions on the website... does it look right? TIA

EDIT: looks like we are in the ballpark.... thx exile360 & Advanced Setup for all your help!

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Running Advanced Setups tool is a good idea...will try it now... what other tools do you have? keep me in mind, if its to late now. for another time please! TIA.... will run the tool and Edit back shortly....

EDIT: Update It sure did work! what was a 12" high dos box with a scrollbar...is now 75% less. With just the current info from logging on tonight. It would be nice if Advanced Setup would take a look at a screenshot since its now 7" high. I would have to email it to him at his request. I'm out of pic attachment space...

Well I guess I'll start on my wife notebook... and change the reg.

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what other tools do you have?

Too many to name them all, and some too dangerous to post here :) . I've got oodles of tweaks, fixes and other stuff, some of which I made and others I've found around the web. AdvancedSetup has some awesome stuff just like this that he's made with kixstart. He's let me try a few and they're pretty cool :P .

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