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I just bought the pro version, and just wanted to make sure that my settings and everything were all correct and if there was anything else that I should do.

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@ Exile:

Thanks for checking that for me :)

I ALWAYS manually update and scan (if its an AV or something) with programs anyway even if they do have auto updates and what not :) So that should take care of that.

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:) heh.

When I had trouble with desktop maestro I uninstalled like three things coz it kept making windows installer pop up with different programs that I guess the registry key had gone missing to, like something from sonic and jasc paint shop, word perfect, and something else. I hope I didn't damage anything at that time. I would uninstall, restart, and then another thing with windows installer would pop up, it was so annoying. finally I went to the windows installer cleanup tool :)

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So I found out! ::grumble grumble:: I wish I had known that first, then I would have never bought the program... waste of $20. At least I got it at a discount.

Everything else I use has been working fine, yes. We never used that paint shop thing anyway since it was a trial that came with the computer and that didn't work other than to display pictures, and the Word Perfect probably should have stayed since he doesn't have WORD on here, but too late now. If I ever need it I'll have to buy it I guess.

Only thing I am concerned about is Sonic, hope that wasn't critical for anything. Guess not since everything seems to work fine. I wrote down everything that got uninstalled. It's probably lost in the EXTREMELY messy desk we have. (which is my fault, haha).

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