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Miekemoes and Exile both recommended Pidgin to me for my messengers, so today I downloaded it and installed it :)

I like it so far but I have a few questions about it if anyone can help :)

First off, I was just chatting and was idle for a few minutes and this happened:

(3:34:35 PM) (mysreenname) <AUTO-REPLY> : I'm not here right now

(3:34:35 PM) Unable to send message: Not logged in

Did I get logged out? Because when I went back and typed, it was fine. Is there a way that I can make this not happen?

EDIT: I figured out the privacy issue! Also, on aim, I have it set to ONLY my friends that I have added can IM me. Do these settings I have and others transfer over or is there a way I can do it in Pidgin?

On yahoo, I have my name set as my real name (first only) and I'd like to change it back to just my sn showing up, but I suppose I can just log into the yahoo application itself (after logging out of Pidgin) and change that there.

I think that's it for now.

The program is still a little strange to me but I am usually pretty good at figuring things out.


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