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Introducing Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware Beta


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We are very excited to announce the release of Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware beta!

As mentioned in the blog announcement by Marcin this beta is extremely exciting as it introduces the most innovative approach in the market today for protecting against ransomware; a completely proactive and signature-less technology that is able to detect and block even the most dangerous of ransomware variants like CryptoWall4, CryptoLocker, Tesla, and CTB-Locker.

Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware monitors all activity in the computer and identifies actions that are typical of ransomware activity. It keeps track of all activity and, once it has enough evidence to determine a certain process or thread to be ransomware, blocks the infection and quarantines the ransomware before it has a chance to encrypt users' files. During development, Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware has blocked every single ransomware variant we have thrown at it. We are extremely satisfied with its results and are excited to bring this technology to our user community for further testing.

Installation is very straight forward. Simply download and install from the link below. You can safely install Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware beta alongside Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit. If you encounter a problem or false positive please read this.

Download link (Anti-Ransomware has been integrated into MB3 and MB4)


Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware BETA collects certain data to ensure optimal product functionality and performance.

  • The version of the software installed including specific product, build, and version number so we can determine the correct version of the product installed and apply updates as appropriate.
  • License details so that we know if it’s an older version of the beta and should be expired.
  • General system info such as OS, system language, processor and file system in use to understand how the product behaves in different environments.
  • Data on any potentially malicious activity including a copy of the executable file that caused the program to alert, along with internal product logs which include information on the detection logic so that we can improve the product’s efficacy.

Please see the Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware BETA EULA and the Software Collection Addendum in the Malwarebytes Privacy Policy for more detail.

Thanks for participating in this beta program and helping us improve this exciting technology that makes up Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware!

Edited by pbust
Updated download information
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  • Root Admin

Hi all, as Pedro said, we are very excited about this beta. A few common questions came up and so I'll link a few of Pedro's answers that were scattered around the forums.


I have MBAM and MBAE. Why do I need Anti-Ransomware?


How do I report a False Positive?


Also, as many of you guessed, this will not be a standalone product/agent but rather rolled into our existing products.

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