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I'm using the free version of Malwarebytes, on a Windows XP Pro SP2 laptop, with AVG free 8.5 installed.

I updated from 1.37 and as expected, Malwarebytes closed and 1.38 installed. And then I waited and waited and waited and waited for it to reopen. And it didn't. The program was said to be running in task manager and when I clicked the icon, I was told the program was already running. A little over 10 minutes later, I checked task manager and malwarebytes was no longer listed as running, but it didn't re-open on its own either as I had expected it to. (The update to 1.37 was also very slow but not so bad, and, in fact, other users on another forum were discussing it.)

So I opened Malwarebytes, ran the update...I honestly don't know if it did the 'updated from version 2299 to 2299' as was mentioned in another thread, but a database was downloaded anyway.

I've scanned and rebooted and everything seems fine, I'm just mentioning this big lag and that the program had to manually re-opened after I updated it.

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I updated to the new version 1.38 and it also did not go seeking further updates. When I clicked on the icon, it said MBAM was already in use and nothing would come up. I went to update other things and then came back after a few minutes and MBAM had another update ready. This was on my other computer running Vista.

On the XP computer I am on now 1.37 would not update after installing, kept getting an error message, so deleted it entirely for the time being. I will download the new version shortly and see what happen this time. Looking at the list of update feature it mentions that a minor update problem was fixed, so hopefully that little episode will be over with.

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  • Root Admin
I updated to the new version 1.38 and it also did not go seeking further updates. When I clicked on the icon, it said MBAM was already in use and nothing would come up. I went to update other things and then came back after a few minutes and MBAM had another update ready. This was on my other computer running Vista.

On the XP computer I am on now 1.37 would not update after installing, kept getting an error message, so deleted it entirely for the time being. I will download the new version shortly and see what happen this time. Looking at the list of update feature it mentions that a minor update problem was fixed, so hopefully that little episode will be over with.

Hi Dalem,

The key point here is that almost guaranteed the issue is either your Anti-Virus or Firewall is blocking the newer version of MBAM and depending on what AV / Firewall you're using there are different methods to add MBAM to the list of exclusions or trusted applications so that it will run correctly. Please review the link posted by Exile360 and adapt to your version of AV / Firewall as needed.

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This usually won't happen, but if it does (and it's happened to me once or twice now), just open the program again and you'll be fine :) . As for the defs, they do the loop on occasion but it is generally fixed by the time the next database is released, which happens quite frequently.

I updated from 1.37 to 1.38 on my desktop computer, running XP Media Center Edition SP2 and it went smoothly. Only a slight lag of a couple of minutes or so, then a 'congratulations, you have successfully updated Malwarebytes' window came up. I didn't get any message like this on the laptop. On the desktop, the program then opened after the congratulations window, which also did not happen on the laptop.

Can I trust the installation on the laptop, or should I just uninstall and reinstall it? (Maybe doing that would be easier than my sitting here wondering if my Malwarebytes is working properly or not, eh?) Is this exactly what happened to you, with no 'congratulations' message?

Funny thing is, the same thing happened when I installed the 1.37 update, only the desktop had the problem and the laptop was fine. I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling on the desktop, but only because I had become impatient and I shut MWB down from task manager at that time, so I wasn't sure it installed correctly, although at the time things seemed fine.

I'm using the same AV on the desktop.

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You know, now that I think about it, I had an error (732 I think???) while downloading the update, I think I got disconnected from the internet for a moment when there was a brief power blip here which likely affected the modem. (A bit of electrical storm going on in the region.) I redid the update, but maybe that first disconnection caused a problem.

I think I'll just uninstall and reinstall just to be on the safe side.

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Guest gloryforixseal

I think Scud is right.

I made some maps, and there are plenty of reason to get LAG,

one is the skybox, did you chekc is the map isnt too big, or too many bots, or things like that?

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Unfortunately I can't help with the lag problem, but, may I ask why you haven't updated to Service Pack 3 yet?

I'm using the free version of Malwarebytes, on a Windows XP Pro SP2 laptop, with AVG free 8.5 installed.

I updated from 1.37 and as expected, Malwarebytes closed and 1.38 installed. And then I waited and waited and waited and waited for it to reopen. And it didn't. The program was said to be running in task manager and when I clicked the icon, I was told the program was already running. A little over 10 minutes later, I checked task manager and malwarebytes was no longer listed as running, but it didn't re-open on its own either as I had expected it to. (The update to 1.37 was also very slow but not so bad, and, in fact, other users on another forum were discussing it.)

So I opened Malwarebytes, ran the update...I honestly don't know if it did the 'updated from version 2299 to 2299' as was mentioned in another thread, but a database was downloaded anyway.

I've scanned and rebooted and everything seems fine, I'm just mentioning this big lag and that the program had to manually re-opened after I updated it.

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I can get updates OK on a machine with Vista, but not this one with XP. The updating problem started with version 1.37 and continues with 1.38. I use the same AV and Firewall on both...Avast Free and Onliner Armor. I don't see anyway to tell if Avast is blocking something, and Online Armor shows several lines of items that are "Allowed". I couldn't find MBAM in the Start Up menu, and ky331 over at the Dell Forums had me check to make sure it is Run Once item. I can't think of any other program or setting that would cause this happen. I repeat, I did not change any settings or security programs between versions 1.36 and 1.37. If I knew where to look further, I would.

So...the developers did something to the program to cause a conflict, and it would be nice if they could discover a fix to it. I think MBAM is a very good and useful program, but under the circumstances the best I can do with it, at least on this computer, is to wait until a new version comes out...which should be almost up to date...and do a full scan then. :) I have other products for scanning and fixing, but I would like to be able to use this one if I ever ran into trouble.

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Unfortunately I can't help with the lag problem, but, may I ask why you haven't updated to Service Pack 3 yet?

Well...I've seen complaints about it and I've been happy with SP2. So as long as it continues to be supported, so far my plan has been to stick with SP2 until forced to change over. (I am not fond of huge program changes if a system is working nicely.)

You've got me thinking, though, and I do think it's time I started asking some questions and seeing if SP3 has improved. I'm not sure how my 3 1/2 yr old MCE would handle it, but my laptop is only a year old (and has a lot less junk preinstalled), so it should be OK.

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  • Root Admin
I repeat, I did not change any settings or security programs between versions 1.36 and 1.37. If I knew where to look further, I would.

No you didn't but we did as in the fingerprint for the program and code is now different and in most cases the AV knows this and blocks it.

I have elaborated a little on the subject here

I will try to setup with your software and see if I get the same issue and then how to allow it. What version of Avast Free and Onliner Armor are you using?

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