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Hello Team,


Business Catalyst is an all-in-one business website and online marketing solution, built for web designers delivered by Adobe Systems.
I am part of the Support Team for BC and I would like to report a false-positive.
After signing in, our clients get a subdomain to businesscatalyst.com before they add their own domain, also our main website and documentation site have been affected:
http: //prntscr .com/9ngbg7
http ://prntscr .com/9ngast
Can you please look into as soon as possible? All of our clients that want to access theirsitename.businesscatalyst.com and have Malwarebytes installed are affected by this.
Thank you,
Mihai Stoichitescu
Technical Support Consultant for Adobe Business Catalyst
Edited by Zynthesist
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There may be something more in this. Appears to affect sites created by Adobe Muse software.  I get a malicious website report that it is (presumably?) blocking metrics that are being fed back to businesscatalyst.com. That is when I view my own site on my own domain (site created by Muse). Further to that my sites are exhibiting strange behaviour such as the form page no longer works and visits a hyperlink on the page instead. Not sure if this is a Malwarebytes / Adobe Muse issue or if there is something else wrong?

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