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hxxp waht.xyz


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Just registered the domain above with name.com.


Got this support message from AIOP support


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Start Support Thread~~~~~~~~~~~


Hello Pete,

We can't install anything on waht.xyz cause it is blocked by malware bytes.
Please take steps to get it unblocked.


ticket thread below:



I am currently getting the following domain set-up. Could you please set up the pro level splashbuilder software on this domain

Set the nameserver for your domain to :

Your website is : hxxp waht . com

Hello Pete,

I think you mean insta builder ?
We can install that for you, but not yet.

Insta builder is a Word Press plugin, so you first have to instal WP on the hosting account.
I also see you did't set the nameservers yet.
At the moment your website is blocked by malware bytes. If that's caused by other sites on your old host, it is no problem.

If it caused by your site, then don't move it to our host.

AIOP Admin


i Johan,

I have just changed the nameservers to


This was a brand new domain registration with name.com.

Onec the domain name has propogated, I will install WP on the hosting account.

Best regards




I have just completed the install of Wordpress on the following domain:


Could you please install insta builder for me.

Best regards



Hello Pete,

We can't install anything on waht.xyz cause it is blocked by malware bytes.
Please take steps to get it unblocked.

AIOP Admin



I have moved this domain back to name.com. I have set-up a second domain which was registered at the same time. This is

hxxp workathometraining . com

Could you please confirm that everything is ok with this domain, before I install my WP onto it.

Best regards


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End thread~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Could you please remove the false positive on both these newly registered domains.

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