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BSOD Related to MBAM

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1) Why is this message being displayed: "You have been placed on moderator queue. This means that all content you submit will need to be approved by a moderator before it will be shown." What have I done wrong???? I don't deserve this kind of treatment!


2) I suffered a BSOD and called Toshiba Software Technical support. They identified MBAM as the source of the problem. They told me to contact MBAM and to provide you with the following information that they claim is associated with the MBAM Program


BAD_POOL_HEADER 0x00000019 Windows 7 Error

error 0xc000000d win 7 64bit


3) Please answer both questions.

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  • Root Admin

Your account was placed on moderation for repeated posting to the wrong forum topics that you're not allowed to post to.


Please read the following and create a new topic in the BSOD forum.




Thank you

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