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On a Mac OS  X yosemite we are running Malwarebytes anti-Malware for Mac and the results are returned almost instantly.


The good news it says no malware or adware found, but the scan happens so quickly that we are not sure it actually ran properly.    Based on our experience with Windows machines I expected the scan to take a few minutes.


Is this normal behavior?


We are just looking for confidence that the scan ran properly and the machine is indeed clean.


Thank you for you help.




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Yes, that's normal behavior if the machine is reasonably uncluttered. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac does not examine every file on the hard drive, it's looking for specific patterns in specific places. That means its scans are very fast. On my Macs, it takes 2-3 seconds. On some, I've heard of it taking a small fraction of a second. Others - typically where the machine is extremely cluttered with lots of third-party software - it can take significantly longer, but that's rare.

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