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So this product was highly recommended on Reddit quite a bit and I am a very avid about not downloading anything that I know isn't safe or secure. Since I had read such praise I decided to try it and just see if I have any issues even though I haven't been experiencing problems. Got the free trial version and ran the scanner. IT said I had a few  issues or cookies from websites. I let it "fix them" which immediately caused a restart of the computer.


When my computer restarts and shoots me to desktop. There is not "explorer.exe" for at least 15-20 minutes which I was never experiencing before. Even after trying to force run it from task manager. It just sits there for a long time before I am able to use my computer and I was never experiencing this before. So now I don't want to ever restart my computer.


I was hoping that you might have some solutions that might help me in resolving this before I do a restore point and not use the software anymore. I know it said something about producing a log files before it immediately restarted my computer ( which I did not see a prompt about).

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it looks like the logs did have some registry issues. I did not see a restart prompt when clicking clean-up though I could of just missed it. If it is going to restart your computer you should see a more bold prompt about it. Then it was fixed on startup or the registry error. Why is the Explorer issue happening every time i restart. Let me know what information I can provide to you. Want to get this all resolved and see the program work before I purchase the premium version.

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You didn't mention what operating system you're using.  That information would be helpful.  There are sometimes issues with XP, and there is a setting in the program to NOT have Malwarebytes start when Windows starts...it does it delayed instead.  Also, you may have your anti-virus fighting Malwarebytes at startup...we're checking out the AV and the AV is checking out Malwarebytes.  You may need to set exclusions for that.


Give us a bit more to work with and you'll likely get some more specific answers here.

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  • Root Admin

Hi there. Can you please post the logs from the scan in text format here. If possible clicking the "More Reply Options" and attaching the logs.

Then getting some other logs from the system will help us to better determine what's going on with your system.

Please read the following and post back the 3 requested logs.

Diagnostic Logs

Thank you


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