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Slow Mac Spinning Wheel

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Seeing the spinning rainbow cursor is not a sign of malware or adware. It can be caused by such things, but there are dozens of other things that could be causing it instead.


The very first thing I would advise doing is making sure your computer is properly backed up. One possible cause of this problem is a dying hard drive, and if that's happening without proper backups, you're in danger of losing everything. Once you've got good backups, you can begin to troubleshoot.


The next thing you can do is post a system snapshot taken with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac. To do so, open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac and choose Take System Snapshot from the Scanner menu. Then, in the window that opens, select all the text (Edit → Select All), copy it and paste into a reply to this message. We'll be able to look at the information in that snapshot and get a better idea of what might be going wrong, and whether it might be due to malware or adware.

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