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Malware detects threats but it won´t give me the option to eliminate them

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Hello MalwareMeian and :welcome:

Reference: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Users Guide - Application Logs - Scan Log

Before you can be provided with a definitive answer, it would be best if you attached, in a reply, your system's Scanning History Log for the date and time of the incident, for analysis:

  • Please open the MBAM2 Graphical User Interface and near the top-right of the window, single left-click History.
  • Within the new window that opens, and on the left, single left-click Application Logs.
  • Within the Application Logs window that opens, single left-click the Scan Log line for the date/time in question.
  • Verify that the incident is documented within this log file. Otherwise, repeat step 3 for the correct line.
  • Within the Scanning History Log window that opens, and near the lower left of this window, single left-click the Export button with the vertical down arrow.
  • Within the menu that appears, single left-click the Text file (*.txt) menu item only.
  • In the left pane of the Save File window that opens, scroll to and single left-click the Desktop item.
  • Near the bottom of the window's right pane, single left-click in the vacant white box to the immediate left of File name:.
  • Type: Scan.txt in the same white box, then near the lower-right corner, single left-click the Save button.
  • These steps will have created a Scan.txt file icon on your system's desktop.
  • Close all previously opened windows.
  • Attach the new Scan.txt file, from your desktop, in your next reply. Please do not compress and/or post the Scan.txt file to a file sharing service's site.

Thank you.

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Hello MalwareMeian:


Unfortunately the above attached text file is a Daily Protection Log.


Please repeat my instructions in my post #2, taking extra care in steps 3 and 4 till you have the exact Scanning History Log related to the incident.


Then proceed through the remaining steps as you correctly did above.


Thank you.

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Hello MalwareMeian:


Your post #5 now shows a Scan log. However that Scan log does not match with the data in Captura.PNG in your post #1:



Tiempo necesario para completar el analisis: 00:03:56 does not match: Tiempo transcurrido: 10 min, 13 seg




Elementos analizados:  402,492 does not match: Objetos analizados: 406822



Please repeat my instructions in post #2, taking extra care in steps 3 and 4 till you have the exact Scanning History Log related to the incident.


Then follow the remaining steps as you correctly did above.


Thank you.

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Hello MalwareMeian:

Let us continue on then:

  • Please try the following and reply if this corrects your issue: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2.x.
  • If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and individually attach the 3 requested logs in a reply to this thread: Diagnostic Logs.
  • The 3 files, from Step 2, to be individually attached from your desktop are: CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt. Please do not Copy and Paste them into a reply.

Please update the status of your issue in a reply to this thread.

Thank You.

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