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Do I really need all these programs at the same time?

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I'm a bit confused and I thank you in advance for your feedback.

I'm running Win10 Pro and have had Norton Internet Security for several years. I recently installed Anti-Malware and Anti-Exploit (both Home Premium).


With the introduction of these extra security layers, my browser(s) have slowed significantly which I intuitively don't find surprising. However, I'd like to properly configure and better optimize my setup, if possible.


First, my read of the online data says the followwing:

  1. Anti-exploit should have no impact on Norton and should be run concurrently.
  2. Anti-malware does not need to run concurrently, but should be executed on a schedule.

Are the above two statements correct?


The logic is that I understand anti-malware to primarily be a scanner for removing installed threats, but it also claims to do real-time scanning of inbound traffic. I understand anti-exploit is strictly a real-time scanner of inbound traffic.


If so, then can I expect anti-exploit to provide all the real-time protection services as anti-malware?

If so, then can I turn off the 'Start Anti-Malware with Windows' option and only run anti-malware on a schedule?


And finally, my understanding is that both anti-malware and anti-exploit are not intended to capture the same stuff Norton does since it's anti-virus). However, anti-exploit should catch many things Norton will not. (I believe the distinction is between zero-day and older, legacy threats. Norton is weaker against zero-day threats.)


So, my friendly gurus, what say you?

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Hello and welcome aboard.

Please tell me whether your Windows 10 is 64-bit or 32-bit.  Also the Version # of Norton Internet Security.

Since your pc has Norton Internet Security ( NIS ) you will want to insure that NIS is adjusted in its settings to list MBAM & MBAE as trusted applications.


To your first #1 - our software can & does co-exist well with NIS as long as you make trust settings.  ( I will provide specific tips later).

To your # 2.  No.  You want to have the full set of protections provided by the Premium Malwarebytes Anti-Malware  ( MBAM).

The Malware protection and the Malicious website protection.

If you do not set MBAM to start with Windows and without those services, then your pc would be without those protections.


As far as the Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit ( MBAE ) it has different protections to offer from those contained in MBAM.  MBAE is passive protection in that it sits in the background and provides protection against zero-day type exploits and other types of exploits.


Your other queries:

can I expect anti-exploit to provide all the real-time protection services as anti-malware?

No, as stated, the two programs serve different purposes.


can I turn off the 'Start Anti-Malware with Windows' option and only run anti-malware on a schedule?

No, you should not.




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Hi Maurice,


First of all, thank yoju for your quick response! It's nice to know someone is there.


My OS is Windows 10 Professional (x64) (build 10586).

My NIS is version The software says it's up to date.


Ok, you say anti-virus, anti-malware, and anti-exploit should all run concurrently. You also suggest all the features of each should be enabled.


While I can understand that each will cover a different slice of the threat universe, my intuition says there also must be significant overlap. It's this sujrmised overlap that drives my questions to you. (For example, I know it's bad form to run two anti-virus apps concurrently since they'll most assuredly conflict.)


As regards optimization, you say I need only make some adjustments to NIS to permit anti-malware and anti-exploit to play well. While I've not gotten any reports from any of the apps saying there's an issue, I'm more than happy to insert the permissions. Lead on, meistro.




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Hello Ed,


Our softwares are not antivirus.   I also need to say, I am presuming from what you described that you have both of our Premium programs.


Norton  needs to be configured to add specific Malwarebytes files to its exclusions lists to be sure the application does not scan Malwarebytes which can slow performance and can cause Malwarebytes performance issues, or casue interference.  After that has been done, you should add the Norton  installation program folder to your Malwarebytes "Malware Exclusions" List.  

Please follow these steps:

These are the Malwarebytes Premium files that need to be added to the Norton  exclusions list:

**For 64-bit versions of Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8, 10**
C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbam.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamdor.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbampt.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamscheduler.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit\mbae.exe

**How to exclude specific Malwarebytes  files in Norton **
Step 1. Start your Norton  application.

Step 2. Select "Settings" tab.

Step 3. Click on "Antivirus".

Step 4. In the Settings > Antivirus  configuration window, click on the "Scans and Risks" tab, then scroll to the bottom of that window.

Step 5. In the section "Exclusions / Low Risks", locate the line item titled "Items to Exclude from Auto-Protect, SONAR and Download Intelligence Detection" then click on "Configure" to the far right of that line item.

Step 6. In the resulting "Scan Exclusions" window, click the "Add" button at the bottom of the screen.

Step 7. Select "Files" from the pull down menu to show the "Add Item" selection box.

Step 8. Click on the small folder to the right of the Add Item field to display the Browse window.

Step 9. Navigate to the file path shown above for the Windows OS you have installed.
That path will be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\"

Step 10 Click on "mbam.exe" and then click the "OK" button.

Step 11. The "Add Item" selection box will show the full path to the file you have selected.

Step 12. Click OK.

Step 13. You should how see the "Real Time Exclusions" window with the path to the that file in the list.

Step 14. Follow steps 6-13 for the four remaining files that need to be added to "Real Time Exclusions" list.

Step 15. When all of the five files are listed in the "Real Time Exclusions" list, click the "OK" button.

Step 16. On the Settings window, click "Close".

Step 17. On the Norton  main screen, click on the "X" in the upper right corner to close the Norton  application.

You will also need to follow these short steps to add Norton  installation folder to the Malwarebytes "Malware Exclusions" List.

**How to add your Norton  application folder to Malwarebytes "Malware Exclusions" list**

 1. Open the Malwarebytes application.
 2. Click on Settings
 3. Click Malware Exclusions in the left column
 4. Click on "Add Folder"
 4. Navigate to C:\Program Files\
 5. Click once on Norton  application folder to highlight it.
 6. Click on "Select Folder".
 7. Close your Malwarebytes Anti-Malware application.
 8. Reboot your computer. <--Very Important!


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Hi Maurice,


You've allayed my concerns, cleared my confusion, and corrected my issue.Thank you very, very much!



And finally, an FYI:  Your instructions on how to configure MBAM and NIS to play well together strikes me as standard stuff.


Are these notes up in the forum or in the help files? If so, then I didn't see them - which may suggest a benefit to profile this differently.

(I'm assuming that if they're there, then I didn't recognize their importance or missed them entirely in the noise.)



In any case- I'm solved and thanks again!

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