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Excluding Symantec Folders

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We are running MBAMB with Symantec Endpoint Protection and are white-listing all the Malwarebytes related folders within Symantec as per the Malwarebytes Best Practices Guide.


However, I cannot find a comparable list of Symantec Endpoint Protection related files, folders, registry keys, etc. to white-list from within Malwarebytes. I've excluded the obvious Program Files Symantec folders but I'm guessing there are other folders, registry keys, etc. to consider.


Thanks in advance...the Symantec forums were no help.



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  • Staff

Hey Guy947,


We unfortunately do not have a list of recommended files, folders, or registry keys that Symantec would recommend. However, a basic blanket exclusions of their C:\ProgramFiles(x86) and any Program data files should be enough. One thing you may want to do if you exclude this is to add a \* at the end of the exclusion. For example, C:\Test\*. That will exclude the test folder and all sub folders and files in that folder. So it will help exclude the entire path.


Thank you,


Ron S

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