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What is best practice regarding the "Startup delay" setting? I could not find much information in the Admin Guide or Best Practices guide other than mentioning it is more relevant for the XP platform than new versions of Windows.


We have a mixed environment of mainly XP/7 with a smattering of Win8/10 and are just now beginning to roll out MBAMB.


My concern is that a startup delay could leave the machine momentarily vulnerable. My first thought is to not use this feature unless I start hearing complaints from users about boot times...



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  • Staff

Hey Guy947,


It is basically like you mentioned at the end of the post "My first thought is to not use this feature unless I start hearing complaints from users about boot times". You shouldn't need to use the option unless you notice any issues that require the setting.


For example, there are some customers I have helped in the past that needed that option because of their log in scripts. Because anti-malware starts on startup, it tries to scan the scripts to make sure they are not that was being run which led to a longer boot then normal. However, if they delayed it by 30 seconds they would not see that boot delay because the script would run its course. 


So you can leave that setting unchecked unless you run into this type of issue. If you run into such an issue as well, you can contact me or any of our support team at corporate-support@malwarebytes.org and we can assist you there as well!


Thank you,

Ron S

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