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I just discovered this malware during a full scan. Im a little surprised since I have the free 1 month trial of full protection with real time protection on. Im also running the anti exploit with browser protecion as well as windows defender with real time on. I was under the impression these things shouldnt even get in with real time on in mbam?

Im on a brand new pc and had planned to buy the upgrade, but now it seems pointles?

I am very happy with the scan detection, its the best program out here on free version, but the real time protection now seems rather useless, I had hoped to avoid getting these things in alltogether.

What do i need to turn on to get instant block and information when these nasty things are getting through?


Thx in advance:)


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Hello and Welcome!

Whoa, slow down there a little bit, lets not jump to conclusions....

A few things to consider.... (bare in mind I do not work for Malwarebytes)

1. Full scans are really not needed to run often, a Threat Scan is the recommended option, ran daily. This will catch most nasty's that reside in common folders that malware likes to hide in, and help you remove them. Since you ran a Full Scan you may have found a file that was either left over, or found in a location that malware normally does not reside in. Can you provide the scan log so we can see what was detected?

2. Malwarebytes has NEVER had a 1 month free trial. It has always been a 14 day trial, after that it reverts back to the Free Version.

3. No one product is 100% effective, but Malwarebytes updates there databases often throughout the day (about 10-14 times a day sometimes), so something could have been added in an update that was not detected before so when you ran the next scan it was detected. Also this is why a layered protection is important. Having MBAM, MBAE and a good antivirus is a must.

4. I would agree with you that Malwarebytes is the best out there, and I would not run any of my computers without it.

If you like us to see if there is something going on with the system and see what your settings are, we would require some logs for that.

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Thx for reply. It might be 14 days and not a month, its a lil while at least:)  Regardles, its still active and real time is on, so I expect it to prevent these things from getting in in the first place, or am I misunderstanding something and that it in fact doesnt prevent these things and that I need to do a scan for them still?

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We do not know what other protection you may have installed or what settings you have in place.

We would need more info on the system....

Please read the following and in your next reply ATTACH the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs

(the three files should be CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt)

Thank You,


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To reframe it: does the real time bought upgrade catch and prevent these malwares from getting in as soon as they try to latch on, and not just get removed later during a manual scan.

If I buy the upgrade it would be because Im under the impression that real time guards against malware like opencandy from making it this far? If not I dont see the point since opencandy is one of the more harmless ones and wasnt prevented from making it thus far.

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A freeware program I use packages Open Candy with their installer. MBAM catches it during the install.

You probably missed the popup.


Open candy is easily removed from Programs and Features in Control Panel.

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A freeware program I use packages Open Candy with their installer. MBAM catches it during the install.

You probably missed the popup.


Open candy is easily removed from Programs and Features in Control Panel.


Ty for reply. So what ur saying is that if i miss a popup, it will get through?? Since its now been lying on my pc and wasnt removed untill i did the scan myself, which just seems wrong with real time on, Id like it to catch it right away when it tries to get in, and prevent it, and then remove it, even if i miss a popup!?

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In a nut shell, having an up to date antivirus and an up to date Malwarebytes with protection on, will go a long way to keeping you protected.

Your asking a loaded question, Yes it will protect you, but like I mentioned NOTHING is 100% and things may slip through from time to time. Malwarebytes updates very often throughout the day so if something did slip through it will be caught quickly.

Also having the Automated scheduling setup up correctly for auto scans and updates is a must.

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The only thing I can say, don't install any program and not watch the screen. One never knows what is happening with

even "safe" installers, even from reliable companys. I don't know what would have happened if I did not see the popup as I watch my computers

when using them.

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