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Freemake video converter false positive


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The following detections are all false positives. Freemake video converter is a program that lets you convert video files to many different file types


 <record severity="debug" vendor="PUP.Optional.OpenCandy" LoggingEventType="0" datetime="2015-12-08T20:48:46.039285-05:00" source="Protection" type="Detection" username="SYSTEM" systemname="VICTOR-PC" last_modified_tag="d27719bc-326e-441f-850d-356b142a0132" subtype="Malware Protection" action="Quarantine" filename="C:\Users\Victor\Downloads\FreemakeVideoConverterSetup.exe" hash="c73e940fcebd2c0ac0d88a0cfd0327d9" malwaretype="File" message=""></record>
   <record severity="debug" vendor="PUP.Optional.OpenCandy" LoggingEventType="0" datetime="2015-12-08T20:49:37.623685-05:00" source="Protection" type="Detection" username="SYSTEM" systemname="VICTOR-PC" last_modified_tag="66822ccc-1206-4080-931e-4c7816491082" subtype="Malware Protection" action="Quarantine" filename="C:\Users\Victor\AppData\Local\Temp\is-09EVK.tmp\OCSetupHlp.dll" hash="6b9aa2011c6ffe38b9a7d1bebb4945bb" malwaretype="File" message=""></record>
   <record severity="debug" vendor="PUP.Optional.OpenCandy" LoggingEventType="0" datetime="2015-12-08T20:50:00.853885-05:00" source="Protection" type="Detection" username="SYSTEM" systemname="VICTOR-PC" last_modified_tag="dd4a05e6-ff7d-49f9-acbc-5544f92904dc" subtype="Malware Protection" action="Quarantine" filename="C:\Users\Victor\AppData\Local\Temp\FreemakeVideoConverterFull.exe" hash="9c698b18ccbfff37c0d84551ec146d93" malwaretype="File" message=""></record>
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I found an installer that was detected by the same detection as yours. (Please still attach your copies though)


This is an OpenCandy installer.. (see screenshot)




When you launch the installer it will also offer other software in addition to Freemake Video Converter. This is often how users get caught unaware and end up with unwanted software on their system.


Notice how the offered software is pre-checked & shows (recommended) - so many users will think they should have this as well for the other software to work. (see screenshot)




See the OpenCandy EULA here:



PUP.Optional. is "potentially Unwanted Application" and is not malware. We detect these type of installers because of the methods they use to trick users into downloading/installing usually unwanted stuff.


If you want to keep this software, you can tell Malwarebytes to ignore it by unchecking the files in scan results, then telling it to ignore always when prompted or by adding the files to the exclusions list.

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  • 5 months later...

I am also having problems with this.


I've been running Freemake with McAffee for years with no problems. A few hours ago I switched from McAffee to Malwarebytes and now Freemake won't even start. I've tried exiting Malwarebytes and even terminating it from the task manager, but, no luck.. Freemake starts, shows the "splash screen" then promptly exits with no error message or any other notification.


Any suggestions?





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